For three thousand years, the Jewish people have been scattered around the world. It is no wonder that Jewish films are created in many different countries, and that different regions host their own film festivals to select and showcase most relevant of those films. The Jewish Film Festival® in Moscow became the first of its kind in Russia. It was founded in 2015 and is held annually since.
About the FestivalFILMS
Alexander Mitta
President of the Jury
Film director and screenwriter
People’s Artist of Russia, director of «The Border. Taiga Romance», «Dot, dot, comma…», «Air Crew».
Alexander Boroda
Rabbi, public figure
The President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Founder and Director General of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, a member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Ekaterina Mtsitouridze
Film expert, TV presenter
Russian TV presenter, film expert & critic, editor-in-chief of «Variety Russia» magazine, head of ROSKINO, film expert of the First Channel, SPIMF’s concept creator and general producer.