The 3rd MJFF educational program schedule

MJFF has announced its educational program: a cycle of lectures and discussions thematically linked to film screenings.
Tatiana Bezhenar, educational manager of the 3rd MJFF:
Other educational and special events that are to take place are a meeting with director Andrei Konchalovsky “Paradise. Andrei Konchalovsky and his protagonists” and a conversation with Nikolay Polissky, the founder of Archstoyanie festival and Nikola Lenivets art park. Guests of the MJFF will also be able to attend a meeting with Yuval Rabin, a businessman and public figure, and the son of the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin; a social event “Another Planet. Why do we need a virtual Auschwitz in the 21st century?” that is organized in collaboration with the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival and will include a discussion with director Amir Yatziv and film critic Larisa Malukova; a creative workshop for children with animation artist and teacher Anna Storozheva and a discussion on HIV with Anna Ravina, a chief operations officer of AIDS.CENTER. Among this year’s speakers are Ilya Altman, the founder and co-chairman of the Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center, a religious expert Yuri Tabak and Fedor Konstantinov, a Moscow lecturer and an expert on Stefan Zweig’s work. The latter has prepared a truly unique lecture for the Festival’s educational program and will share facts on Zweig that he gathered from over the world.