Klezmasters concert
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Lev Sandyuk, Mikhail Blinkov, Alexey Rozov, Mikhail Altshuller
About speaker
Klezmasters Orchestra: Lev Sandyuk — piano, vocals, Mikhail Blinkov — clarinet, Alexey Rozov — violin, Mikhail Altshuller — guitar, vocals.
About event
Watching the comedy «Seekers of Happiness» and the concert-talk «Jews in pop music of the XX century» together with the Klezmasters orchestra.
The program includes traditional Klezmer melodies (freilexes, doines, choirs, Bulgars) songs from the repertoire of Leonid Utesov, and melodies familiar to all generations, such as «Blue Ball» (in Yiddish and Russian).
About the film
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